

王辉、张茜同学的论文“Enhancing Reverse lntersystem Crossing Rate of Red Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Emitters by Simultaneously Involving Locally Excited Triplet States from Donor and Acceptor Segments”发表在Chem. Eng. J.上


Abstract: Accelerating reverse intersystem crossing (RISC) rates of red thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitters is crucial yet remains ongoing challenges. Herein, we disclose an ingenious molecular design to dramatically boost such an up-conversion process by leveraging effective participation of localized excited triplet states from both donor and acceptor segments (3LED and 3LEA). Inspiringly, energy level alignment with 3LEA-3LED close to the charge-transfer singlet and triplet (1CT and 3CT) states are obtained in the case of DBBPZ-IDPZ, by simultaneously employing polycyclic large-conjugation donor and acceptor units. Due to the joint contribution of 3LED and 3LEA, DBBPZ-IDPZ shows 15.7 folds accelerated RISC rate and delivers a higher photoluminescence quantum yield of 98.1 % relative to the control molecule (36.7 %). Eventually, the red OLED based on DBBPZ-IDPZ presents a significantly improved external quantum efficiency of 26.0 % with an emission maximum at 628 nm, which is approximately triple that of the control device (8.9 %). This is the first example of a delicate management of 3LED and 3LEA to simultaneously participate in RISC process for developing highly efficient red TADF emitters. Our work provides new insights into the molecular design tactic of high-performance red TADF OLEDs.
